Autoplot – Quick plots for measurement reference

Autoplotting measurements

Function definition for simple plotting routine to be run at end of mesurement

stlabutils.autoplotter.autoplot(datafile, xlab, ylab, zlab=None, title='YOU SHOULD ADD A TITLE', caption='YOU SHOULD ADD A COMMENT', show=False, dpi=400, pl=None, cmap='RdBu_r', wbval=(0.1, 0.1), figdir=None, save=False, **kwargs)[source]

Autoplot function

Takes a data file handle (still open or recently closed) or a filename and plots the requested columns). Saves figure as a png alongside the original data file with the same name. As a precaution, if an exception is raised during the execution of this function, it will be caught internally so as not to interrupt the caller. It now doesn’t overwrite any previous figure. If a figure file already exists, it creates a new file with an index.

  • datafile (_io.TextIOWrapper or str) – Data file handle (can be open or closed) or data file name for reading

  • xlab (str) – Label for x axis data

  • ylab (str) – Label for y axis data

  • zlab (str or None, optional) – Label for z axis data. If set to none, a line plot is returned. If set to str a color plot is returned

  • title (str, optional) – Text label to be included in the title

  • caption (str, optional) – Comment included below figure

  • show (bool, optional) – Show the plot on screen (blocks execution until closed)

  • dpi (int, optional) – dpi for matplotlib savefig function

  • pl (list of str, optional) – If provided, is an stlabutilsmtx process list (in case processing is required on a 2d color plot). See stlabutilsmtx for details

  • cmap (str) – Matplotlib colormap string for 2D plots. By default ‘RdBu_r’. See for details

  • figdir (str) – Figure directory for the final plot

  • **kwargs – Other arguments to be passed to plotting function (plt.plot or plt.imshow)


fig – Final figure that has been saved to file

Return type
