
STLab is a collection of drivers and scripts used for equipment control and measurement automation. For the most part it is built upon pyvisa and is inteded to avoid the complications of low level communication with measurement instruments without including an inconvenient level of additional complexity (see KISS principle).

The instrument drivers should in general only contain basic commonly used commands and not sophisticated setup and measurement schemes. While things like “Get power” or “Get Trace” are acceptable, methods like “Perform 2 tone measurement” should not be included in basic device drivers. The latter kind of method should reside on a higher level of abstration since its use is likely to be very specific and would only clutter the driver for others.

The basic structure of the package is as follows:

├── devices
│ ├──
│ └── instrument drivers
│ ├──
├── utils
│ ├──
│ └── …
├── examples
│ ├── …
│ └── …
├── docs
│ ├── …
│ └── …
├── doc_gen
│ ├── …
│ └── …
  • The “devices” folder contains all the implemented drivers as well as the basic instrument class.

  • The “utils” folder contains modules for reading and writing files, resonance fitting, data structure management (stlabmtx for example). Basically, everything not directly related to instrument communication.

  • “examples” contains a collection of basic script examples suchs as VNA power sweeps or quick Q factor measurements and fits.

  • “docs” contains this documentation and “doc_gen” contains the sphynx scripts for generating it.

  • The file contains the modules and names imported when running “import stlab”. Note that some modules and functions are renamed for (in?)convenience.

The imports done when doing import stlab are:

name = 'stlab'
from .src import *

Indices and tables


stlab is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.